Out of the Boundary
This is the unlikely story about how Katy Haber became the city of Compton's Ambassador to cricket, and how learning the game became a life-changing event for a former Compton gang member named Sergio.
Katy was raised in the UK, and grew up playing cricket. Many years later in LA, she and a friend of hers named Ted Hayes began playing the game together. They had already discovered their common passion for helping those with less privilege, and it didn't take long for them to decide they could help keep youngsters out of gangs by giving them the opportunity to get involved with a cricket team. This idea turned out to be the genesis of the Compton Cricket Club.
Sergio, in Compton, had never heard of a game called cricket. When he first began to hear about the game from Katy, he visualized a small race track with actual crickets. He had no way of knowing that this game would be changing his life. But drawn to the novelty of the game, and the idea that he could be one of just a few guys in Los Angeles that could play, Sergio dedicated himself to the game with purpose. Ever since then, he and Katy have been part of the club -- Sergio as a player, and Katy as team advisor. By now the Compton Cricket Club team has toured through several continents. Together they've gone way out of the boundary by discovering the world and changing peoples' minds about what they could do.